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(Scented Asiatics)
Easiest to grow - Asiatic Lilies

Easy to grow Asiatic lilies start the lily season in all areas with dependable color and reliability in even the most severe climates. Found in the widest range of colors, hybridizers have developed neat and tidy blossoms in pure white, yellow, orange red, pink and all shades and combinations, except the elusive color blue. They multiply well and have unscented to lightly scented blooms (Easter Lily Hybs) , making them perfect for individuals sensitive to fragrance. Wildly adaptable throughout USDA Zones 3 to 10.
Scented Asiatic Hybrid Lilies: Classification: Longiflorum-Asiatic Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 3-10, lows to -40° F.) These hardy, easy to grow hybrids derived from crosses between L. longiflorum (Easter Lily) and the more familiar Asiatics add a wide splash of color between your Asiatic and Trumpet bloom times. Found in nearly as wide a range of color as the Asiatics (no near blacks yet) their petal texture is much heavier for extended bloom time. They multiply well and bulbs left undisturbed for two or three years often reach 10 to 12 inches in circumference or more. They all carry a light, pleasing fragrance.
For more information on the birth and development of the LA Hybrids, click here.
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First in Garden Lilies™ since 1978.
This site was updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2023.
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