'Purple Marble' - Asiatic Hybrid Lily

Lily Bulb Description
Unscented. 3 Feet. June flowering. In Holland, this color is called "purple" but in reality, it is more of a dark violet-red to wine-red. We have been very impressed with this lily in that unlike many of the "purple" asiatics these flowers do not turn brown as they age. These spotless flowers are outfacing to slightly pendant.
It has been our experience that very few lilies attract honey bees. 'Purple Marble' is an exception to the rule as these little garden pollinators seem to love it. Daughter Anne Marie caught this wonderful garden worker while on her approach to gather nectar. This lily is also a favorite to our local hummingbirds. The one shown in the first inset photo was caught resting after a feeding frenzy while chasing off other hummer's from "his" flowers. With hundreds of flowers to choose from you would think they could share. He was so tired that he had to stop to rest as shown just right of center in the photo. 'Purple Marble' is a late June bloomer reaching about 3 feet. Unscented.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click
here for details.
Classification: Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb (USDA Zones 4-10, lows to -30 F. Winter mulch recommended in the colder climates)Stock # 1024 - 'Purple Marble' - Asiatic Lily Bulb
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