Lily Bulb Description

Flower Description: The newest addition to the “Valley” line of semi to fully pendant type flowers from our friend Johan Mak, ‘Summer Valley’ is as they say, “to die for”. Very heavy petal texture on these flowers insures extra long bloom. Graceful and dainty in appearance, but tough as nails in the garden, we have found the golden orange tones of ‘Summer Valley’ to be extremely color fast even in full sun. Actually, we have not been able to find anything “wrong” with this lily. When talking to Johan, “perfect” is not in his vocabulary, he can always see where improvements can be made which is his life’s work, but we believe this as well as his other ‘Valley Series’ lilies are indeed perfect.
Photo insets are on left, 2010 bloom in the propagation field, center, ‘Summer Valley’ in the breeding house awaiting a generous application of pollen for seed production to produce a new selection for year 2019 to 2021 introduction. Yes, 2019 to 2021, it is all about time, patience, and the gifted skills of people such as Johan that produce these garden marvels. Photo inset on right shows inflorescence of a mature, established bulb.
FYI: Coming soon will be a complete photo gallery showing you what it takes to bring a new lily to your garden. From the pollination of the seed parent, to planting the seeds, seedling germination and growth, into the field rows, tagging potential winners, scaling, moving to the production rows, separation and tagging of potential new breeders as well as the finalists for garden production, and finally to market. You will see the paring down of upwards a quarter million seedlings EACH YEAR to the final dozen or so that are best suited for going into your garden some 9 to 12 years later. You will even be given a glimpse into the workings of the “top secret” breeding house of Johan Mak, one of the worlds top lily breeders (we think he is #1 but always tell him he is in the top 3 so he continues to give maximum effort).
We have been working on this project and taking photos of each step for the past 3 years. We expect it will take another 6 months to a year to lay it all out and write the text, but this will give you a good idea into what it takes to fill your garden with eye candy.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size" (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size" (over 20 cm). Click here
Classification: Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb (USDA Zones 3-10, lows to -40° F.)
Stock # 1055 - 'Summer Valley' - Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb