'L. Martagon x 'Dalhansonii'' (Lilium)

Lily Bulb Description
Classification: Martagon Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 3-10, lows to -40° F.)
Lily Bulb #L-4200 Waxy purple-brown to mahogany-red flowers with only a few gold spots, this strongly recurved Turk's Cap dates back to the 1890's, and has graced uncountable gardens with elegance. A cross between L. martagon var. dalmaticum and L. hansonii; Dalhansonii is strong-growing and long-lived. L. x Dalhansonii is the darker flowered lily shown in the photo. The light pink is L. x 'Terrace City' and is not available at this time. To 4 Feet. June.
As with all L. martagon species and hybrids, they can take several seasons before blooming and conditions need to be more exacting. Provide perfect drainage, rocky soil is fine, and don't over water the bulbs during summer or while they are in dormancy. Bulbs resent transplanting and could rot during a cold, wet winter/spring or during the summer, if you add any moisture retentive materials to the soil around the bulb itself. Under no circumstances use peat for L. martagon or its hybrids, but leaf mold and/or compost as a top dressing in the fall is desirable. L. martagon and hybrids of L. martagon appreciate a top dressing of lime each spring in areas of acidic soils.
Bulb Size - These bulbs are from a large clump being lifted from our display gardens and are being offered in three sizes. Smaller bulbs tend to establish easier, larger bulbs may put up more flowers first year, but even that is not guaranteed, as these bulbs are very close to the original species.
Choose the size bulb you desire from the drop down menu before adding to shopping cart. We reserve the right to substitute a smaller size if needed to fill your order, charging you the lower price. These are very limited in supply.
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First in Garden Lilies™ since 1978.
This site was updated on Wednesday, May 8, 2023.
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