'Fiamma' - Fragrant Easter x Asiatic Hybrid Lily

Lily Bulb Description

Flower Description Italian for Flame, in the garden, 'Fiamma' is indeed that. A bright and bold accent anywhere it is planted. When combined with the contrasting white of 'Bach', 'Fiamma' burns with color. Rumor has it that in Holland 'Fiamma' may be a not so distant future replacement for the hugely popular 'Royal Sunset' which in our opinion would be a shame. In the garden, both have there places, but unfortunately, it is not the garden that drives the cut flower trade in Holland. As is typical of all of the Easter Lily x Asiatic hybrids, 'Fiamma' carries a light, pleasing scent. June / July Flowering here, this beauty hits about 3 feet in our field.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Easter x Asiatic Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size" (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size" (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Longiflorum-Asiatic Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 5-10, colder with winter mulch)
Stock # 5076 Fiamma' - Easter x Asiatic Lily Bulb
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