'Copper King Clone' - Trumpet Hybrid Lily Bulb

Lily Bulb Description
Classification: Trumpet/Aurelian Hybrid Lily Bulb (USDA Zones 5-10, colder climates w/winter mulch)Stock # 6110 - 'Copper King Clone' - Trumpet Lily BulbThis is a selected CLONE, which means all the flowers from each bulb will be identical to one another. This beauty is the crowing glory of the Copper King trumpet lilies created by Don Egger before his passing. Great fragrance, melon-orange blooms, with deep maroon reverses; plant in light afternoon shade to prolong the color intensity. Stake when plants are mature and overloaded with heavy flowers; all will bloom this summer, but full stature will not be achieved until the second year. 4 to 6 feet. July. Limited Supply. This clonal selection is the finest 'Copper King' we have taken out of the strain in nearly 30 years. This is a real "bell ringer".
Please Note: There will be on 10 to 12 bulbs available for fall 2010 delivery coming out of our overgrown home garden. To give as many customers as we can a chance at this lily, please, only one bulb per order. If you would like more, please make note of that under "comments" during check out and we will do what we can for you following harvest and an actually hard count on stock.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Trumpet Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
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