'Lake Carey'

Lily Bulb Description
Flower Description: ‘Lake Carey’ has the most beautiful and enduring pink flowers we have ever seen. Though as with all pink orientals, it will fade in the hot, direct 95+ sunlight, but it has held up even better than ‘Acapulco’. Held atop nearly 4 foot stems, the rich pink up-to-outfacing flowers of ‘Lake Carey’ are even darker pink in the centers. Highlighted by white petal tips and a green nectar star, the rich, deep green foliage really set this beauty off.
‘Lake Carey’ is now being touted in Holland as the "Pink Casablanca” in both the cut flower and garden trade. Everyone and his brother have been clamoring for planting stock. It will remain in limited supply for some time to come. Mid July bloom.
Classification: Oriental Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 5-9, colder climates w/winter mulch.)
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size" (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size" (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Stock # 7027 - 'Lake Carey' - Oriental Lily Bulb
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