'Rio Negro' - Oriental Hybrid Lily Bulb

Lily Bulb Description

Spicy fragrance, 3 to 4 Feet. Mid / Late July flowering.The ‘Rio Negro’ is the largest left tributary of the Amazon and the largest black water river in the world. Though the waters of the ‘Rio Negro’ are not exactly black, but more the color of strong tea, they look black from the air. Known to anglers around the world as being the place to fish for Peacock Bass weighing in over 20 lbs, the dark waters of the ‘Rio Negro’ are incomparable and teeming with life.
'Rio Negro' the lily, is one of the nicest black-red varieties we have ever trialed, (there are more in the works) and as a bonus 'Rio Negro' has a chocolate star in the center of each bloom reminiscent of the old J. S. Yeats variety 'Journey's End'. Though the flowers produced by this Oriental hybrid lily bulb are not a true black when viewed up close, from a distance, it is as dark as they come. A heavy bloomer, this yummy-scented lily is good for the border, with intensely colored blooms, dark speckles and sturdy stems, even when planted in part shade.
The main photo was taken during a warm season summer and the flowers are "redder" in color. The insert photograph shows darker color because the weather was much cooler. 3 to 4 Feet. Late July / Early August Flowering. Fragrant.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Oriental Hybrid Lily bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Oriental Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 6-9, the colder climates of this range must provide winter mulching.)
Stock # 7502 - 'Rio Negro' - Oriental Lily Bulb
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