'Red Desire' Orienpet Hybrid Lily

Lily Bulb Description
Fragrant. 4+ Feet. Late July / Early August flowering.
Probably the most difficult time here at B & D Lilies is making the decision to let a long time favorite lily go while replacing it with a new selection. Replacing 'Sensi', which we have been growing now for 9 years with 'Red Desire' has been a tough choice, but, in wanting to insure our customers get only the best of the best, it was a decision that was a natural to make. Being a bit more deep rose and carrying the crushed raspberry color to a little deeper shade than 'Sensi' did, 'Red Desire' is superior over all in the garden especially in those trying years when the weather just does not seem to be on your side as so many of us now face.
We love how clean and clear in color and form 'Red Desire' is. She has everything going for her, color, form, grace, hardiness, and most importantly is a bit more color fast than was 'Sensi' in the hot southern climates. When planted with lilies such as 'Hacienda' and its pure snow white color, 'Red Desire' seems to simply glow in the color contrast. 4+ Feet. Late July / Early August Flowering.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb cultivar ranges from Premium-size (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size (over 20 cm).
Classification: Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb (USDA Zones 5-9, lows to -15 F. Winter mulch recommended in colder climates)
Stock # 9011 - 'Red Desire' - Orienpet Hybrid Lily
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