'Mister Cas' - Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb -

Lily Bulb Description
Fragrant. 3 to 4 Feet. Late July / Early August flowering. While the downfacing (pendant) blooms on this fragrant Orienpet Hybrid strongly resemble the old Aurelian variety ‘White Henryi’ of the 1940's, 'Mister Cas' offers the bonus of the super sturdy stems and heavy substance of the newer Orienpet crosses. This makes 'Mister Cas' an overall a better choice, especially in difficult gardens. 'Mister Cas' sports Golden centers with fine elongated spots in the petal centers. Late July / Early August Flowering. 3 to 4 feet. Light fragrance.
'Mister Cas' takes a full year to really settle in after being moved and usually only produces 1 or 2 flowers while re-establishing itself to its new location the first season.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size» (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size» (over 20 cm). Click
here for details.
Classification: Oriental-Trumpet Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 5-9, the colder climates of this range must provide winter mulching.)Stock #9022 - 'Mister Cas' - Orienpet Lily Bulb
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