Lily Bulb Description

Fragrant. 4+ Feet. Late July / Early August flowering.
Bred in Bellingham, Washington by the late LaVern Friemann this strong-growing Tetraploid Oriental lily has rosy-red flowers with creamy-yellow margins that lighten as the bloom ages, a small amount of papillae, indistinct spots, and light pink, green and brown tints on the petal reverse.
This is the original ‘Scheherazade’ (Triploid Thunderbolt’ x Tetraploid Black Beauty’) as selected from LaVern’s garden nearly two decades ago and referred to in the book ‘Lilies’ by his friend Edward McRae. It is not the pseudo ‘Scheherazade’ offered by some Dutch catalog companies which go so far as to claim it is a “rare re-bloomer”. Well grown stems of 'Scheherazade' will produce both secondary and tertiary buds which extend the bloom for more than a month, but like all lilies, once the bloom is done, it is done. Neither 'Scheherazade' nor any other true lily produces a second or third bloom such as is found in Daylilies. See the variety 'Leslie Woodriff' for more information. Light fragrance. 5 to 6 Feet. July/August Flowering. Fragrant.
Editorial Note:Also promoted as having flowers "10 inches wide", in one garden magazine, we have never seen this. In light shade, up to 7.5 inches, full sun, they are about 6.5 to 6.75 inches. On 8/5/09 as this is being written, all of the Friemann 'Black Beauty' Hybrids are in flower around our home. Several exceptional "Best in Show" stems of 'Scheherazade' are sporting flowers measuring 6 7/8 inches. Also promoted as "sometimes blooming twice in the same season" makes us wonder just how gullible some catalog companies think people are.
We list this information only as a FYI for those who care (most gardeners don't), but B & D Lilies is the oldest lily specialty nursery in America, we knew and worked with the lily breeding pioneers, and we would like to see the accurate reporting of history and breeding information, not someone’s revision in order to market bulbs they simply purchase for resale.
Photo inset is of daughter, Anne Marie, admiring ‘Scheherazade’ in LaVern’s garden as a young teen, the source from which our planting stock was acquired.
Bulb Size - Our standard for bulbs of this lily cultivar ranges from Premium-size (16/18 cm) to Exhibition-size (over 20 cm). Click here for details.
Classification: Oriental-Trumpet Hybrid Lily (USDA Zones 5-9, the colder climates of this range must provide winter mulching.)
Stock #L9100 - 'Scheherazade' - Orienpet Hybrid Lily Bulb