Lily Bulb Description

A native of Asia, Lilium amabile has a wide range throughout the Korean Peninsula. A rewarding garden subject, Lilium amabile is well suited to cultivation in the Northwest's maritime climate but can be challenging in harsher areas. The orange-red flowers are Turk's Cap in form and carry numerous black spots. It will do well in full sun and tolerates fairly dry soils. Unfortunately, its fragrance leaves much to be desired, smelling like a cross between an old tennis shoe and a rotted cabbage, its best to just stand back and admire it for its beauty.
We first flowered this species in a cool greenhouse, and thought something had crawled in under one of the benches and died, before realizing it was the flowers of Lilium amabile that was creating that terrible odor.
Lilium amabile luteum as well as its type were used by Jan de Graaff in producing his 'Fiesta Hybrids', registered in 1946, which in turn led to his world famous 'Mid-Century Hybrids', with 'Enchantment' probably being the best known.
Insert photo is of 'Enchantment'.
"©2008-2024, Robert J. Gibson. This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds. Click on 'Species Lilies' to your left for currently offered bulbs."