'L. pumilum' (Lilium)
Lily Bulb Description

Quite possibly the easiest of all Lilium species to grow, Lilium pumilum is well suited to a site in the rock garden. The small, highly fragrant Turk's Cap flowers are scarlet red in color and are usually without spots. Occasionally a few small flecks of black will appear in the flower throats. Having a wide range throughout China, Korea, and even into Siberia. Lilium pumilum sets seed freely, but allowing it to do so also seems to shorten its life span. Unless you have a good stand of them going, remove all but one seed pod from each plant. As is with Lilium Regale, Lilium Pumilum is apomictic meaning it will produce viable seed without polination. It doesn't matter what pollen may be used on Lilium pumilum, it will produce seed genetically identical to the partent plant.
Seed will flower in 18 months following germination. Excellent in the butterfly garden, both they and little girls love it.
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