'L. regale' (Lilium)
Lily Bulb Description

From China, Lilium regale is at home in any well drained garden. The large, flaring trumpet shaped blooms are highly fragrant. A varying amount of pink-purple shades the outside of these golden throated flowers. Reaching heights to 8 feet for old plants, but more commonly seen in the 3 to 5 foot range, Lilium regale has been a favorite of gardeners for many years. In breeding work, Lilium regale as a pollen parent has been excellent, but as a seed parent, it tends to be apomictic, proving to be dominant in all characteristics. In other words, all you get is seed of more Lilium regale, no matter what pollen is used on it.
One of our most popular offerings from Lilium regale has been 'Horn of Plenty' (shown in inset) a sport selected by us from seed grown stock of Lilium regale by the late Don Egger.
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