'L. bulbiferum var. croceum' (Lilium)

Lily Bulb - 'L. bulbiferum var. croceum'
Lily Bulb - 'L. bulbiferum var. croceum'
Item# LS14
©2008-2010, Robert J. Gibson. This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds. Click on 'Species Lilies' to your left for currently offered bulbs.: 

Lily Bulb Description

Found throughout Europe, ranging from Italy to southern France and Switzerland to the Pyrenees, Lilium bulbiferum was widely used in early hybridizing. Easily grown, Lilium bulbiferum was at one time commonly found in bulb listings coming from Europe. These large chaliced shaped, upward facing tangerine-orange flowers, spotted in black are held aloft on 3 to 4 foot stems. Enjoying full sun to partial shade, there are suitable spots in all gardens for this delightful though somewhat crude appearing flower. Photo is of the variant 'croceum' used in early breeding stock at B&D Lilies.

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