Lily Bulb - 'L. pumilum 'Yellow Bunting''

Lily Bulb - 'L. pumilum 'Yellow Bunting''
Item# S119
©2008, Robert J. Gibson. This page is for reference only, not as an offer to sell species bulbs or seeds. Click on 'Species Lilies' to your left for currently offered bulbs.: 

Lily Bulb Description

Thought at one time to be the result of a cross with Lilium martagon album, the yellow form of Lilium pumilum is now regarded as a species. The small, fragrant flowers are bright, canary yellow and are generally unspotted. It is self fertile and as with its more familiar cousin, flowers in 18 months from germination. This is the lily of choice for our native Swallowtail Butterflies.

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